01 May 2015
"I’m very active, positive little girl, I love hugs, playing games, doing art and sport with friends and other kids. I like to ask questions. Since 2021 I visit kids center in my city. I enjoy being with kids at the House of Peace every Saturday and visiting church and Sunday school at the church. "

- Diana

Mi historia

I have elder sister Ksyusha and elder brother Mark. We live with our mama. Our parents are divorced. Our father became handicapped and lives in different place. We see him very seldom. Mama works a lot at the farm, my elder sister takes care about me and my brother, she brings me to and picks me up from the school. During a day I’ m at special school, and after Ksyusha’s study I’m coming home. My dream is to see my father getting better. Con

Por qué Diana necesita nuestra ayuda

Mama works a lot for very low salary, sometimes she has problems with alcohol. They are with 3 kids in a family. Father is handicapped and lives in different place.

Diana apoyado por el socio de impacto HOP Centre

HOP (House of Peace) is een non-profit organisatie met als doel om hoop te geven in hopeloze situatie. Alcoholisme is een van de grootste problemen in Belarus. Alcoholisme brengt geweld, immoreel gedrag, verslaving en armoede met zich mee in de families. Wij helpen die kinderen in de families die geen hoop meer hebben voor de toekomst. Met HOP Kids bieden zij naschoolse opvang en zorgen voor kinderen die uit een gevaarlijke sociale omgeving komen. Leer más sobre HOP Centre 

Patrocinador Diana

Como patrocinador, ayudas a Diana y a otros niños dentro del programa de HOP Centre. Gracias a tu contribución y la de otros patrocinadores, los niños reciben ayuda con alimentación adecuada, tutorías, deportes y desarrollo personal. Esto les brinda la oportunidad de un futuro esperanzador.
Patrocinador Diana