Every child deserves a hopeful future.

A smile from
your sponsor child

For whom do you
make a difference?


Child Sponsorship Platform

Are you curious about how we effectively support charities in their mission to help underprivileged children? Learn more about our innovative child sponsorship platform at childsponsorship.online. The child sponsorship platform is specifically designed to streamline the sponsorship process and improve communication between sponsors and children. This way, we can create even more impact together.


Interactive world impact map

View all the charities and the guardians who support them on an interactive map.


Sponsor a child towards a hopeful future

With Nofam you help a underprivileged child towards a hopeful future. With your support, partners around the world can ensure that the children are helped with food, clothing and education.


Together we make a difference


See which children you can support as a child sponsor!


Buy and sell products with impact in the Nofam Shop


Become Nofam partner and support underprivileged children

Life in motion

Zhenya is the living example that help matters. Together we stand stronger. By walking with her through life, her life has been given a future. Watch her story here.

Periodic updates of your sponsor child

Through the Nofam app, you as a child sponsor are linked to the child you financially support. As a child sponsor, you periodically receive photo and/or video updates of the child you support via the app. The foundation where the child is housed ensures timely and correct updates.









Frequently asked questions

Currently, we are making a difference in Europe, Africa, and Asia with partner foundations that support the children on the ground. We are in discussions with other organizations to expand our impact worldwide.

Check the places where we are helping children here.

100% of your sponsorship contribution goes to the foundation that helps your sponsored child. Your donation will be used to support the project which your sponsor child is part of.
