11 Apr 2008
"My home is in a small village. I like to study and explore new things. I got my new books so love to read them and expand my knowledge. I love to play and spend time with my friends and family. They are always there to cheer me up when I am low or in any difficulty. I love the way my teachers guide me with my study. Seeing them I also want to be a teacher and deliver my knowledge to others in need. "

- Bimal

Mi historia

My father is a shopkeeper. He is trying his level best to meet our needs as he is the only earning member in our family. My mother takes care of our home. I have one brother and sister. I feel myself fortunate to get the chance of going to school. Due to financial problem my other siblings didn’t get chance to study. It really makes my heart pains. I try to guide them with all my knowledge.

Por qué Bimal necesita nuestra ayuda

From the first day he has joined in NELC blind School he is being continuously supported in this education. School provides his books, daily food, clothes and medical support whenever required. Continues support will help him to complete his education and find a better place for him in the society.

Bimal apoyado por el socio de impacto NELC School for blind

The NELC school for blind is located at located in the KOCH BIHAR district of West Bengal. We help blind children towards a hopeful future by schooling them so that they can support themselves in an adult age. Leer más sobre NELC School for blind 

Patrocinador Bimal

Como patrocinador, ayudas a Bimal y a otros niños dentro del programa de NELC School for blind. Gracias a tu contribución y la de otros patrocinadores, los niños reciben ayuda con alimentación adecuada, tutorías, deportes y desarrollo personal. Esto les brinda la oportunidad de un futuro esperanzador.
Patrocinador Bimal