02 Mar 2005
"I love listening to music. I love to play with dolls and with kitchen kits. I am studying in standard VI now. I try my best to score good result. I always want to be a good student and go for higher education. If I get chance I would like to go for a Government service. For that I really have to study well. I like to stay at the hostel of the school."

- Bhumika

Mi historia

I am from a small village. I have my mother, a younger brother and an older sister in my family. My father died when I was young. My elder sister and my brother both are studying in school like me. Our mother tries her best to fulfil our family needs by working in agricultural fields and even as daily labor whenever possible. I am blessed to get them by my side as being a blind person life is not always easy. When at home I help my mother with household works such as doing the dishes and cleaning the house.

Por qué Bhumika necesita nuestra ayuda

Since Bhumika lost her father, the family also lost the financial support. That is also why she it supported by the NELC blind school. She gets help with with all her study and basic requirements. School has supported her is all aspect from clothing, food and medicine. After all these support she is able to concentrate in her studies.

Bhumika apoyado por el socio de impacto NELC School for blind

The NELC school for blind is located at located in the KOCH BIHAR district of West Bengal. We help blind children towards a hopeful future by schooling them so that they can support themselves in an adult age. Leer más sobre NELC School for blind 

Patrocinador Bhumika

Como patrocinador, ayudas a Bhumika y a otros niños dentro del programa de NELC School for blind. Gracias a tu contribución y la de otros patrocinadores, los niños reciben ayuda con alimentación adecuada, tutorías, deportes y desarrollo personal. Esto les brinda la oportunidad de un futuro esperanzador.
Patrocinador Bhumika