

Food Rules

Michael Pollan

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In sixty-four bite-sized pieces of advice, Michael Pollans Food Rules tells you everything you need to know to eat healthily, dine happily and live well.

Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much. Using those seven simple words as his guide, internationally-acclaimed food journalist Michael Pollan offers this indispensable handbook for anyone concerned about health and food. Sensible, easy to use and written in plain English, Food Rules is a set of memorable adages or designed to help you eat real food in reasonable amounts, gathered from a wide variety of sources: nutritionists, anthropologists, ancient cultures - and grandmothers. Whether at the supermarket, a restaurant or an all-you-can-eat buffet, this handy, pocket-size resource is the perfect manual for anyone who would like to become more mindful of the food we eat.



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