Youth Outreach Uganda

The YOU Foundation is a Dutch foundation with ANBI status, established in May 2021 to make a difference in the lives of children in need in Uganda. The YOU Foundation aims to reach and support disadvantaged children and youth up to 21 years old, and the families around them. Currently, we are doing this in the Ugandan village of Lukumbi.

In early 2022, YOU began operations in the Ugandan village of Lukumbi, with a vision of a hopeful future for every child. This means that from the start, we wanted to become actively involved in the lives of the families in the village. To get to know the families, their living conditions, and their needs, we started the family support program. We regularly share stories from this program on our social media. From these encounters with the village families, we learned that many children in Lukumbi do not get the chance to go to school. We want to change this, and we do it together with you! Hence our slogan: "With YOU, we make a difference."


For whom

Every young person is valuable in the eyes of God. Their gifts and talents matter. The YOU Foundation wants to provide young people in hopeless situations with a safe, healthy, and loving environment where they have the opportunity to grow and flourish.

Our mission

We want every young person in Uganda to dream of a beautiful future. Together with God, we want to make this dream of the future a reality. YOU make a difference.

What we do

By providing acute and sustainable assistance in various forms, we aim for every young person to be meaningful in society.

Sponsor a child in Uganda

See which children are in need for support by a guardian


"When I grow up, I would like to have a good job so that I can take care of my family. Mum works very hard every day so that we have enough food. That's why I want to make sure I make enough money so that mom doesn't have to worry anymore."


"I prefer to go to school, but I can't do that right now. I help mom around the house and with my brother Patrick. I hope I can go back to school soon. Then I can study to become a nurse when I grow up!"


"Dad has to take care of us on his own. I'm very proud of him. When I grow up, I want to take care of Dad the same way he takes care of us. That's why I want to be a nurse."


"I really enjoy building and helping grandma with chores around the house. The house is already old, so there is a lot to do. Grandma doesn't have any money, so I'm glad I can help. When I grow up, I want to be a mechanic or engineer. Then I can build anything I want!"


"I am very grateful that I am healthy. I often see friends or neighbors from Lukumbi getting sick. Often they don't have the money to go to the hospital. I try hard in school so that I can get a good job, earning enough money. I haven't decided yet whether I want to be a doctor or a lawyer. Fortunately, I still have plenty of time before I really have to choose!"


"I want to make mom and dad proud. The teacher sees that I'm doing my best. I can't always go to school because there's no money. That's why I'm sometimes a bit behind. I want to be a doctor when I grow up. You have to study hard for that, so I hope I don't have to leave school anymore."


"I want to make mom and dad proud. I am the youngest of the family and I am very proud of my brother and sisters. I want to take care of them later as they took care of me. That's why I want to be a doctor!"


"I really enjoy building all kinds of things. That's why I want to be a construction worker when I grow up, so that I can build a big house where we can live with the whole family!"


"When I grow up, I want to discover the whole world. At school I heard about England and America. That's where I really want to go. That's why it's my dream to become a pilot."


"I am very proud of my report. I got very good grades. I'm just not sure if I'll be able to finish school because Dad can't send enough money. I hope I can go to college so I can become a doctor!"


"Mum has to do everything on her own at home because dad doesn't live with us anymore. I hope dad will be well soon and come back home. I'm happy to be able to help mom make food. I also really enjoy cooking. That's why I want to be a chef when I grow up!"
