10 Feb 2013
"I want to make mom and dad proud. The teacher sees that I'm doing my best. I can't always go to school because there's no money. That's why I'm sometimes a bit behind. I want to be a doctor when I grow up. You have to study hard for that, so I hope I don't have to leave school anymore."

- Mauricia

My story

Hi! I'm Nampewo Mauricia and I was born on February 11, 2013. Together with my mom, stepdad and brother Ronald, I live in a mud hut in Lukumbi. Our house is next to grandpa's. During the day we like to sit in grandpa's house. I really enjoy going to school. My favourite subject is natural sciences. When I come home in the evening, I get very happy when mom has cooked matooke with chicken!

Why Mauricia needs our help

Her mother and stepfather grow food on the land every day. Her father died. There is no monthly income to be able to take care of the whole family and pay school fees.

Mauricia is supported by impact partner Youth Outreach Uganda

We believe in a hopeful future, even for the most underprivileged children and young people in the Ugandan village of Lukumbi. With the YOU Foundation, we want to reach them and support them on their way to a bright future. That's why we want every child to have the opportunity to go to school. With YOU we make a difference! Every young person is valuable in God's eyes. Their gifts and talents matter. The YOU Foundation wants to offer young people in hopeless situations a safe, healthy and loving living environment in which they are given the opportunity to develop and develop. By offering acute and sustainable help in various forms, we want every young person to be able to make a difference in society. We want every young person in Uganda to be able to dream of a bright future. Together with God, we want to make this dream of the future a reality. YOU make a difference.

Sponsor Mauricia

As a guardian you help Mauricia and other children within the program of Youth Outreach Uganda. Thanks to your contribution and that of the other guardians, the children are helped with proper nutrition, tutoring, sports and personal development. This gives them a chance at a hopeful future.
Sponsor Mauricia