25 Oct 2006
"I like singing very much and dancing.When i grow up i want to be a doctor so that i can treat people and create awareness on how to live healthy."

- Umazi

Моя история

My name is Umazi and am 16 years old. Am the last born in the family of 10 children, 4 boys and 6 girls. I stay with my mother and father. My father is so sick and my mother spends most of her time taking care of him. All my sisters dropped school and some got married at tender age. Am the only girl in school now from our family. I was assisted to join Blessed Generation and was enrolled in class 7. In school i take breakfast,Tea Break and eat Lunch.

Почему Umazi нужна наша помощь

Umazi need our help because her father who was the bread winner became sick and he could not walk any more. Umazi's Mother has to stay at home to look after her husband. Her elder sisters and brothers have also neglected her.After assessing Umazi's situation at home, Blessed Generation enrolled Umazi at our primary school, where we cater for all of her education need including full school uniforms. We also provide food after every two weeks to his family and medical when need arise. Umazi is a hardworking girl and is determined to become a doctor.

Umazi Партнер по ударам Blessed Generation

Blessed Generation is een in Kenia gevestigde Non Governmental Organization (NGO) die geregistreerd staat als Charitable Children’s Institution. Vanuit Kenia geeft zij kinderen in nood een kans op een goede toekomst. Onderwijs speelt een belangrijke rol in onze hulp. Het is de sleutel naar de toekomst. Blessed Generation biedt kinderen basis- en vervolgonderwijs en ondersteunt waar mogelijk het volgen van een beroeps- of universitaire opleiding. We kiezen er heel bewust voor na de lagere school niet te stoppen met ondersteuning. Vervolgonderwijs en gedegen sociaal emotionele begeleiding door onze gekwalificeerde social workers vergroot de mogelijkheden van een kwetsbaar kind aanzienlijk en vermindert risico's als criminaliteit, radicalisering en tienerzwangerschappen.

Спонсор Umazi

Как опекун вы помогаете Umazi и другим детям в программе Blessed Generation. Благодаря вашему вкладу и вкладу других опекунов детям помогают правильное питание, обучение, занятия спортом и личностное развитие. Это дает им шанс на обнадеживающее будущее.
Спонсор Umazi