My story
Prisca, a diligent student in Primary Three, resides in Northern Uganda with her single mother who works tirelessly as a peasant farmer. Despite the high poverty levels that plague her community, preventing most parents from affording their children's school fees, Prisca has been fortunate to be part of a program that supports her education. Her mother's strength and resilience in the face of adversity have not only provided Prisca with a safe and loving home but also the motivation to excel in her studies. Prisca is in good health, with no history of medical illnesses, which further enables her to focus on her education and strive for a brighter future.
Why Prisca needs our help
Prisca urgently requires assistance due to her family's financial constraints. Her mother struggles to afford her school fees, and while the SEVAC Foundation Uganda generously supplies scholastic materials and food, it does not cover these costs. Your support would ensure Prisca's continued education and a brighter future.