01 Jan 2001
"Laura dreams of a good job and a future together with a nice husband and children."

- Laura

My story

Laura is a sweet girl who wants to help. She stays with her mother and two brothers in the children's home. They don't have a father. Her mother has no job and no home. They came to the children's home because Laura's brother was very ill and it turned out that the mother had not taken any AIDS medication for months. In short, they needed help from all sides. They hope to be able to build a house for the family next to the children's home in the future. Update september 2023: Laura is inmiddels 22 en uitgegroeid tot een jonge vrouw met veel verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel. Ze doet haar opleiding voor verloskundige met veel plezier en goede resultaten ( toen de artsen staakten, deden Laura en andere stagiaires al het werk!) Laura woont in een huurhuisje en als ze tijd heeft, maakt ze hier de toiletten schoon in het weekend als bijdrage voor haar levensonderhoud

Why Laura needs our help

Thanks to sponsorship, Laura can go to school and build a hopeful future.

Laura is supported by impact partner Iris Ministries Matola Rio ( Corrie)

What a day looks like: In Mozambique, the day starts early. Together they have breakfast with bread and tea, after which the children go to school. The older children stay in the children's village where they help with various chores. When the other children come back from school, they also help with the various chores. Many children also accompany hired workers in the children's village, such as farmers and painters to practice the trade they are learning. Of course, there is also time to relax, play games and do homework. In the evening, all the children come together to eat and pray. Dinner usually consists of rice, beans, and vegetables. And once a week the children get chicken and once a week they get fish. On Wednesday afternoons and Friday evenings, the children come together for worship, teaching and prayer. Project Information: The project in Mozambique where your sponsor child is staying is part of Iris Ministries. The children's centre is run by the Dutch Corrie Ockhuysen. It is a children's home in Matola Rio, just outside the built-up area. There are currently about 45 children living there, most of whom suffer from the disease AIDS. The age ranges from 1 to 18 years. Corrie Ockhuysen founded this house in November 2005 with the vision to help children with AIDS, or children who have lost their parents to AIDS. We try to keep the family atmosphere, even if the work expands. In addition to working with the orphans, they also organize evangelistic activities for the children in the neighborhood and hold church services.

Sponsor Laura

As a guardian you help Laura and other children within the program of Iris Ministries Matola Rio ( Corrie). Thanks to your contribution and that of the other guardians, the children are helped with proper nutrition, tutoring, sports and personal development. This gives them a chance at a hopeful future.
Sponsor Laura