31 Dec 1999

- Kennedy

My story

De ouders van Kennedy zijn beiden in 2008 overleden. Zijn moeder overleed door nierfalen, zijn vader aan een zeer agressieve variant van malaria. Kennedy bleef met zijn broer en twee zussen achter en is nu opgenomen in het Bidii Home.Kennedy voetbalt graag en gaat regelmatig naar school. Later wil hij leraar op de lagere school worden. Thuis helpt hij met klusjes rondom het huis.

Kennedy is supported by impact partner Bidii Home

What does a day look like:
The children go to school from Monday to Friday. They get up at 6 a.m. The older children help with breakfast and also help the younger children get ready for school. The children have lunch at school and go home at 5:30 a.m., where they help with various chores, such as helping with cooking or washing the dishes. At 7 o'clock we have dinner together, after which the children do their homework. At 9 o'clock they pray together and go back to bed. On Saturdays they get up at half past 8. After breakfast, the older children help with various chores such as laundry and cleaning. In the afternoon, homework is done and games are played. On Sundays they also get up at half past 8. After breakfast, everyone gets ready to go to church at 9 am. All children participate in Sunday school activities. At 12 o'clock the church is over and there is time for the children to play and prepare for the coming week.

Project information: 
The project in Kenya that your sponsor child is part of is called Bidii Home. The project is run by pastor Zacharia and his wife Ruth and is part of Youth Apart by Daniel and Marlies Hoogteijling. Zachariah and Ruth have no children of their own, but they have been caring for orphans since 2000. The mission of this house is to create a healthy living environment for the children with God's love, so that they can grow up to be righteous adults who have an impact on their living environment.

Your support provides your sponsor child with food, school and teachings, housing and medical care, so that he has a great future perspective in which they can realize their dreams.

Sponsor Kennedy

As a guardian you help Kennedy and other children within the program of Bidii Home. Thanks to your contribution and that of the other guardians, the children are helped with proper nutrition, tutoring, sports and personal development. This gives them a chance at a hopeful future.
Sponsor Kennedy