01 Feb 2019
"Hope loves going to school and especially enjoys the math and language lessons. This makes him happy, he says. He also loves cars and wants to become a bus driver when he grows up."

- Hope

My story

Hope is a very open and cheerful boy. He has a lot of friends and loves to play with them. Hope's parents are still together and together they have 3 children. Hope has 1 sister named Grace and a little brother named Clifftone. The parents have a small piece of land where they grow crops.

Why Hope needs our help

Hope's parents don't have a steady income, which makes it difficult to make ends meet. They are therefore happy that he is in the program.

Hope is supported by impact partner Sadiki Kids Program

The Sadiki Foundation is a Christian organization that is committed to promoting a promising future for vulnerable children and families in Kenya. The Sadiki Foundation sees relief as an inseparable part of the spread of the gospel. That is why we encourage the self-reliance of Kenyans by supporting them in setting up small, independent projects. About Sadiki Kids Program: The child sponsorship program of the Sadiki Foundation makes it possible for children in Kenya to get a chance at education. With a monthly fee of € 10.00 you can contribute to giving a child a better future.

Sponsor Hope

As a guardian you help Hope and other children within the program of Sadiki Kids Program. Thanks to your contribution and that of the other guardians, the children are helped with proper nutrition, tutoring, sports and personal development. This gives them a chance at a hopeful future.
Sponsor Hope