Mi historia
Elizabeth is a resilient young girl who, despite being abandoned by her father at birth due to her gender, has managed to thrive under the care of her positive-minded mother. They reside within a middle-class setting, and Elizabeth is in good health, free from any chronic diseases.
Elizabeth's mother, a humble peasant farmer, does her best to provide for her daughter. However, she struggles to fully support Elizabeth's aspirations due to their limited resources. While Elizabeth's father is known to them, he is not present in their daily lives as he and Elizabeth's mother are not living as husband and wife.
Elizabeth's enrollment in our program is aimed at bridging this gap, providing her with the necessary support to reach her dreams and achieve her fullest potential. Despite the challenges she has faced, Elizabeth continues to inspire us with her strength and determination.
Por qué Elizabeth necesita nuestra ayuda
Elizabeth requires assistance due to her mother's vulnerable circumstances. Currently, SEVAC Foundation Uganda is only able to provide her with educational materials. Your support would help ensure Elizabeth's needs are met beyond just schooling, contributing significantly to her overall well-being.