04 Aug 2004
"I love to sing and do this on a daily base. My dream is to become a teacher so that I can help other blind children learn as well."

- Anjana

Моя история

We have three children in our family. I have a younger sister and brother. My father Uttam is blind as well and sings at village markets to earn some money. My mother Minoti is a migrant worker currently working in Jaipur.

Почему Anjana нужна наша помощь

At NELC we help Anjana with the necessary schooling, so that she can get a chance to supporting herself later in life. Anjana joined NELC when she was 14 years old. She has made good progress and is on the level where a 17 year old should be. Next to schooling we make sure that she gets healthy food and when needed good medication.

Anjana Партнер по ударам NELC School for blind

The NELC school for blind is located at located in the KOCH BIHAR district of West Bengal. We help blind children towards a hopeful future by schooling them so that they can support themselves in an adult age.

Спонсор Anjana

Как опекун вы помогаете Anjana и другим детям в программе NELC School for blind. Благодаря вашему вкладу и вкладу других опекунов детям помогают правильное питание, обучение, занятия спортом и личностное развитие. Это дает им шанс на обнадеживающее будущее.
Спонсор Anjana