Escuela para Ciegos NELC

La Escuela para Ciegos NELC fue fundada el 10 de enero de 1965 por los misioneros noruegos Sr. y Sra. Hodne. Llegaron a Cooch Behar, India, como misioneros y participaron en diversas actividades sociales. Al llegar a la India por primera vez, la Sra. Brit Hodne quedó muy impactada al ver a niños ciegos mendigando en las calles de Cooch Behar y en la estación de tren. Buscó escuelas para ciegos cerca de Cooch Behar para llevar a esos niños a la escuela, pero en aquellos años no pudo encontrar ninguna escuela de este tipo en todo el norte de Bengala y Assam. Luego sintió la necesidad de comenzar una escuela para ciegos en Cooch Behar. Esto marcó el inicio de la escuela para ciegos.


Para quién

La institución acoge a estudiantes con discapacidad visual de todas las comunidades, independientemente de su raza, casta y creencias religiosas. Los estudiantes reciben alojamiento y alimentación gratuitos, además de servicios educativos y médicos.

Nuestra misión

El objetivo principal de esta escuela es ayudar a los niños ciegos a desarrollar su crecimiento individual, potencial, físico, mental y espiritual, y ayudarlos así a encontrar su lugar legítimo en la sociedad.

Qué hacemos

La institución proporciona educación académica hasta el nivel de la escuela secundaria (clase VIII). Además de la educación, se alienta a los estudiantes a aprender música, manualidades, cursos de informática, etc.


"I am interested in singing songs and like to listen to adventure stores. I read story books in my free time. I would like to be social worker and help the elderly people in the society. "


"I love to play and spend time with my friends and family. They are always there to cheer me up when I am low or in any difficulty. I read in class VI. I like to study and explore new things. "


"I love to play and study and gather new knowledge from my friends and teachers. I love singing and dancing. I love to listen stories. For any difficulty in my personal life and study my teachers are there to help me and guide me."


"I love to sing and do this on a daily base. My dream is to become a teacher so that I can help other blind children learn as well."


"I love to study and gather new knowledge from my friends and teachers. I love exploring new things. I love singing and listening music also. It really makes me happy and forgetting all the trouble and hardship of life. I also love to do stitching work specially kneading. With this creativity I like to make new things and decorate my surroundings."


"I love listening to music. I love to play with dolls and with kitchen kits. I am studying in standard VI now. I try my best to score good result. I always want to be a good student and go for higher education. If I get chance I would like to go for a Government service. For that I really have to study well. I like to stay at the hostel of the school."


"My home is in a small village. I like to study and explore new things. I got my new books so love to read them and expand my knowledge. I love to play and spend time with my friends and family. They are always there to cheer me up when I am low or in any difficulty. I love the way my teachers guide me with my study. Seeing them I also want to be a teacher and deliver my knowledge to others in need. "


"I love to play marbles with my friends in the evening. I am studying in standard III now. I try my best to score good result. I always want to be a good student and go for higher education. "
