В 2001 году Риа Феннема навсегда поселилась в Кении из Хурдегарипа во Фрисландии, чтобы возглавить детский дом в Руиру, недалеко от Найроби. В 2004 году в Кению приехал муж Рии Фестер Медендорп. Вместе они еще больше расширили помощь детям из малообеспеченных семей. Программы помощи Blessed Generation сейчас работают в 3 местах в Кении. У Рии и Фестера двое детей.
Вместе с примерно 90 квалифицированными кенийскими сотрудниками Риа и Фестер намерены снова дать шанс более чем 800 уязвимым детям. Это делается в тесном сотрудничестве с Кенийским агентством по защите детей.
Blessed Generation предпочтительно пытается помочь детям и их опекунам в их домашних условиях, чтобы дети могли расти в своей собственной среде. При необходимости ребенку и его родителю или опекуну будет оказана медицинская помощь. Мы также помогаем семьям с их основными потребностями, такими как жилье и еда.
Благословенное поколение дает нуждающимся детям шанс на хорошее будущее. Образование играет важную роль в нашей помощи. Это ключ к будущему. Blessed Generation предлагает детям начальное и среднее образование и, по возможности, поддерживает профессиональное или университетское обучение.
Мы обучаем более 800 детей (от детского сада до университета), частично в наших собственных начальных и средних школах. Это включает в себя финансирование школьных учебников и школьной формы, программы питания во всех точках BG и программы помощи нуждающимся семьям.
"I like singing and dancing during my free time. When i grow up i want to be a hair dresser, make up artist and have my own salon."
"I am in the scouts club,when i grow up i want to be a policeman,so that i can serve my country and provide security to the vulnerable communities."
"I want to be a great business woman when I grow up so that I can create job opportunities to people from my village "
"I like playing football with girls in our village. I want to be a busness lady in our community when i grow up."
"I like skipping the rope . I want to be a doctor when i grow so that i can treat people."
"I like playing skipping rope with my friends.When i grow up i want to be a driver of a van so that i can drop children to school for them to go and learn."
"I like cooking and playing with small children.When i grow up i want to be a doctor so that i can treat people."
"I like athletics so much and playing football so that i can keep fit.When i grow up i want to be an accountant."
"I like playing foot ball. I want to be a pilot when i grow up to inspire more young people in our village."
"I like dancing and singing.When i grow up i want to be a fashion designer."
"I like playing football very much and i admire the way the great footballers from other countries play. I want to be a footballer when i grow up."
"I like singing gospel songs and dancing. When i grow up i want to be a pilot."
"I like singing and dancing. When i grow up i want to be a surgeon, to treat people and become a role model to my young sister."
"I like cooking and cleaning our house. I would like to be a chef when i grow up so that i can cook in big hotels."
"I like singing very much and dancing.When i grow up i want to be a gospel music artist. I want to compose many songs to be able to pass messages to people and also offer entertainment."
"I like playing with small children. I want to be a business woman when i grow up."
"I like skipping rope,singing and i love english lessons.When i grow up i want to be a doctor because i want to treat people."
"In future i want to be an international football player. I like playing football very much."
"I like reading books and telling stories. When i grow up i want to be a teacher."
"I like playing marble game with my friends. When i grow up i want to be driver just like my grandfather who was once a driver."
"Football is my favorite game. My favorite subject is Mathematics. when i grow up i want to be an accountant."
"I like singing. In Future i would wish to be a musician"
"I like playing football. I want to be a farmer,when i grow up."
"I like making new friends and learning new things. When i grow up i want to be a nurse to take care of the sick people and give them hope"
"I like reading story books and helping my father at home. I want to be a journalist when i grow up to report news."
"I like Singing whenever i sing i feel good. When i grow up i want to be a doctor so that i can save peoples lives."
"I like playing football with girls in our village. When i grow up i would like to be a policewoman, so that i can i can stand for justice."
"I like singing very much and dancing.When i grow up i want to be a doctor so that i can treat people and create awareness on how to live healthy."
"I like playing football especially goal keeping. When i grow up i want to a teacher."
"I like cooking during my free time. When i grow up i want to be a bank manager."
"I like playing football with my friends in school. When i grow up i want to a mechanic of repairing motor vehicles."
"I like singing sacred songs most of my time, sometimes I do play skipping rope with my friends. I would like to be a teacher when I grow up, so that I can champion girl child education in our village."