Proyecto Held se fundó en 2007. En todo el mundo, millones de niños viven por debajo del umbral de la pobreza, y una gran parte de ellos son huérfanos. Casi dos tercios de estos niños viven en África y el sur de Asia. Los adultos en los países en desarrollo también enfrentan una gran pobreza y tienen que vivir con menos de 2 dólares al día. Al viajar por estos países, te encuentras con esta pobreza y necesidad en lugares como India y África literalmente ante tus ojos. Pero también en Kosovo, donde la guerra de los Balcanes ha dejado una gran huella, ya que muchos hombres murieron y las familias crecieron sin ingresos.
La identidad de Proyecto Held es "Detenerse por el uno". Cada niño, cada individuo merece no vivir en la pobreza o en el miedo, sino construir su futuro y mejorar su bienestar. Lamentablemente, la realidad es diferente. No puedes elegir dónde naces. Ya sea en una casa cálida con todas las comodidades a mano, o en una zona de guerra, pobreza extrema o entorno inseguro, te desarrollarás y crecerás donde naciste.
Al viajar regularmente a nuestros proyectos con un equipo, se crea una hermandad, una relación y confianza mutua, de modo que cuando hay necesidad, se puede actuar rápidamente.
La pobreza a menudo hace que los niños caigan entre las grietas y pierdan la esperanza de un futuro prometedor. Se quedan atrapados en la supervivencia y pierden su infancia a una edad temprana. Las consecuencias de todo esto pueden ser la prostitución, la trata de personas, la mendicidad, etc. Crecer sin un hogar y una base segura deja al niño dañado para el futuro.
Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a tantos niños como sea posible a salir de su situación desesperada y darles la oportunidad de desarrollarse en un entorno seguro y de confianza. Hacemos esto proporcionando cuatro pilares indispensables a través del patrocinio.
Queremos luchar por estos niños. Esto puede hacerse mediante el patrocinio. Cuando un niño es patrocinado, puede ir a la escuela, vivir en un entorno seguro y construir su futuro. Además, estamos estrechamente involucrados en nuestros proyectos y hay líneas de comunicación cortas que aseguran que el cuidado de estos niños sea compartido.
"Rose wants to become a nurse."
"Ajaya likes to play a ball or circle game with the other children."
"Vaisali likes to go to school and play games with the other children. She also likes to dance, as soon as the music is on she is unstoppable. "
"Elizabeth is in the higher education classes in secondary school because her grades are so good. She wants to go on to medical school as her dream is to be a doctor, a surgeon. She’s pretty amazing."
"Pholoso loves to play football and would like to become a doctor later on. "
"Samwel loves sports and playing football with the other children."
"Himaja loves to sing and play games. Later, she would like to join the police."
"Gabriel is a very clever boy and likes to play soccer. He is very good with technology. He wants to be a photographer when he grows up. "
"Blessington is still young to know what his dream is,but he loves cuddling and playing with the other children."
"Adupi likes to hang out with the other guys at the football field to play a game. He is very smart in school and always the first one for evening studies."
"Julius loves playing football and marbles. He is serious about school and helps his sisters to be kind and focused. He is a kind boy and wants to make something of his life to help his mom."
"Syam now plays ball and board a lot with the other children and would like to become a police officer later on to be able to help others."
"Jeneti likes to go to school and when she is at home she helps with housekeeping and preparing food. She is in her last year of Fashion and Design Tailoring school in college."
"Luis loves playing soccer and playing drums. "
"Christine is determined to live a successful life later she would like to become a police officer "
"Getrude is determined to live a successful life and wants to become a nurse and loves cleaning."
"Arun loves games, reading and would like to become a teacher later on."
"Manu likes to play a ball or circle game with the other children. "
"Krupa likes to go to school and play with the other children."
"Neha loves to be with the other children, likes to read and wants to become a doctor."
"Later, Vishnu would like to become a teacher."
"Shantel is still young to know what her dream is, but she loves cuddling and playing together with other children."
"Diossane is a lovely boy who enjoys playing with cars. He is very talented at playing drums."
"Dalton likes dancing and playing football with the other children "
"Susan likes to learn, likes to help with some household chores around the house."
"Irene wants to be a lawyer and loves singing and dancing."
"Ravi likes to go to school and play with the other children of the children's home."
"Vamsi is one of the oldest within the home and is happy to help where there is a need within the project."
"Caio is a very friendly boy who loves Jesus and would like to be a missionary when he grows up. He loves playing soccer. "
"Soujanya likes to play with the other girls and helps in the kitchen."
"Angela loves to play with her friends and wants to be a teacher when she grows up."
"Ambik likes to go to school. Ambik wants to become a teacher later on."
"Charity is a good healthy and cheerful girl and likes to go to school."
"Nathan likes to go to school and also likes to play a game of football with the other children. "
"Zayn is still young to know what his dreams are."
"Albanita loves to dance and would like to become a dancer later on."
"Lina is a very happy girl who loves singing, dancing and playing with her friends. She want to be a lawyer. "
"Blessing is determined to live a successful life later on she wants to become a doctor."
"Devya likes to go to school and play with the other children."
"Dileep likes to play a game of football with the other children."
"Nyola loves to dance and learn. Her best subject is mathematics which she likes the challenge. She is kind, considerate and very helpful to her mom and little sister. "
"Artur is a very friendly boy who likes to eat chicken and playing with cars. When he grows up he wants to be a doctor. "
"Dalmus is a sweet boy and spends the day breastfeeding and sleeping."
"Isaac is good, healthy and cheerful. He likes to wash our cars each week and also cares for our German shepherd’s as he feeds them after school each day."
"Kevin is one of the most clean, smart and responsible boys at home. He plays football as he's favourite sport and very soon he hopes to get a scholarship from one of the best schools because of his talent. During weekends and holidays he's always practicing new moves and skills in football with outside children or clubs, besides that, he also performs very well at school and he's teachers are so proud of him."
"Miriam wants to be a doctor and loves playing football."
"Chonthicha is a smart girl, doing well in school, but of course due to her age has no idea what she futurewise would like to do."
"Vasavi loves coloring and jumping rope and would like to become an engineer later on."
"Kalebu makes beautiful figurines with clay is creative. Later, he wants to become a doctor. "
"Prashanth likes to go to school and play with the other children."