Ria Fennema vestigde zich in 2001 vanuit het Friese Hurdegaryp permanent in Kenia om daar een weeshuis over te nemen in Ruiru, vlakbij Nairobi. In 2004 kwam Ria's man Fester Medendorp naar Kenia. Samen bouwden zij de hulp aan kansarme kinderen verder uit. Inmiddels draaien de hulpprogramma's van Blessed Generation op 3 locaties in Kenia. Ria en Fester hebben twee kinderen.
Samen met zo'n 90 gekwalificeerde Keniaanse medewerkers zetten Ria en Fester zich vol overtuiging in om meer dan 800 kwetsbare kinderen weer een kans te geven. Dit gebeurt in nauwe samenwerking met de Keniaanse kinderbescherming.
Blessed Generation probeert kinderen en hun verzorgers bij voorkeur te helpen in hun thuissituatie zodat kinderen in hun eigen omgeving kunnen opgroeien. Het kind en de ouder of verzorger krijgen zo nodig medische zorg. Ook helpen we gezinnen met hun basisbehoeften zoals huisvesting en voeding.
Blessed Generation geeft kinderen in nood een kans op een goede toekomst. Onderwijs speelt een belangrijke rol in onze hulp. Het is de sleutel naar de toekomst. Blessed Generation biedt kinderen basis- en vervolgonderwijs en ondersteunt waar mogelijk het volgen van een beroeps- of universitaire opleiding.
We onderwijs (van kleuterschool tot en met universiteit) aan ruim 800 kinderen, deels via onze eigen basisscholen en middelbare school. Denk hierbij aan de financiering van schoolboeken en -uniformen, een voedselprogramma op alle BG locaties en een outreach programma voor hulpbehoevende gezinnen.
"I like reading books and telling stories. When i grow up i want to be a teacher."
"I like singing. In Future i would wish to be a musician"
"In future i want to be an international football player. I like playing football very much."
"I like playing skipping rope with my friends.When i grow up i want to be a driver of a van so that i can drop children to school for them to go and learn."
"I like athletics so much and playing football so that i can keep fit.When i grow up i want to be an accountant."
"I like playing football. I want to be a farmer,when i grow up."
"I like playing football very much and i admire the way the great footballers from other countries play. I want to be a footballer when i grow up."
"I like skipping the rope . I want to be a doctor when i grow so that i can treat people."
"I like playing football with girls in our village. When i grow up i would like to be a policewoman, so that i can i can stand for justice."
"I like making new friends and learning new things. When i grow up i want to be a nurse to take care of the sick people and give them hope"
"I like playing football with girls in our village. I want to be a busness lady in our community when i grow up."
"I like skipping rope,singing and i love english lessons.When i grow up i want to be a doctor because i want to treat people."
"I like singing very much and dancing.When i grow up i want to be a doctor so that i can treat people and create awareness on how to live healthy."
"I like singing sacred songs most of my time, sometimes I do play skipping rope with my friends. I would like to be a teacher when I grow up, so that I can champion girl child education in our village."
"I like playing foot ball. I want to be a pilot when i grow up to inspire more young people in our village."
"Football is my favorite game. My favorite subject is Mathematics. when i grow up i want to be an accountant."
"I want to be a great business woman when I grow up so that I can create job opportunities to people from my village "
"I like singing and dancing during my free time. When i grow up i want to be a hair dresser, make up artist and have my own salon."
"I like Singing whenever i sing i feel good. When i grow up i want to be a doctor so that i can save peoples lives."
"I like playing with small children. I want to be a business woman when i grow up."
"I like playing football with my friends in school. When i grow up i want to a mechanic of repairing motor vehicles."
"I like singing and dancing. When i grow up i want to be a surgeon, to treat people and become a role model to my young sister."
"I like singing very much and dancing.When i grow up i want to be a gospel music artist. I want to compose many songs to be able to pass messages to people and also offer entertainment."
"I am in the scouts club,when i grow up i want to be a policeman,so that i can serve my country and provide security to the vulnerable communities."
"I like playing football especially goal keeping. When i grow up i want to a teacher."
"I like cooking and playing with small children.When i grow up i want to be a doctor so that i can treat people."
"I like singing gospel songs and dancing. When i grow up i want to be a pilot."
"I like cooking and cleaning our house. I would like to be a chef when i grow up so that i can cook in big hotels."
"I like dancing and singing.When i grow up i want to be a fashion designer."
"I like cooking during my free time. When i grow up i want to be a bank manager."
"I like playing marble game with my friends. When i grow up i want to be driver just like my grandfather who was once a driver."
"I like reading story books and helping my father at home. I want to be a journalist when i grow up to report news."